Our program is two, five hour school days a week. We meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. At Trailside Academy your child will be provided with engaging content, activities, and curriculum. Students are given take home books and materials to help further and support the learning at home. While math and English are integral parts of our school, our teachers will also conduct rotating “interest guided”  history and science lessons, ample outdoor and play time, and various exciting enrichment.

Home(school) Work and Projects

Unlike most other education based programs and hybrids, it is not mandatory for homework to be done outside of class, but we do offer daily suggested  “homework” that will help incorporate what is being learned in class into your daily homeschool routine.  These assignments will vary through workbook pages, projects, activity and packets, and more. While homework is suggested, it is our hope that the families and students will want to continue the learning at home! 

Grades, Feedback, and Parent Communication

What makes Trailside unique is that we do not put a grade on any student work. Instead, our teacher’s work flexibly to allow for time needed for students to master a subject. Teacher’s send a weekly email to their classes outlining a brief overview of what was done in class that week, along with the suggested homework assignments. Instructors have access to all parent emails and phone numbers, and will keep in contact when individual feedback is needed.

Choosing Classes

Students are grouped by age into their classes. If you believe your child should work above or below level in regards to English and Math hour, movement is allowed. Students will complete a series of pre-assessment activities during the first weeks of school to ensure they are where they need to be. Students may also move during this time if they are enrolled in the Beast Academy study group class. 

A Homeschooling Resource

Trailside Academy is a resource to the homeschooling family, with the parent being the child’s primary educator, Trailside will offer coursework, curriculum, assignments, instruction, and more to the child as a support system. Parents are solely responsible for following the Georgia Homeschool state law, and for the keeping and maintaining of student records.